Bringing Tolkien back up, I for one am like Bilbo - I love maps. I love them, be they highly detailed or sketchy. Obviously, because I am anal-retentive and detail-oriented, the more details on the map, the better. So that places me firmly in the camp of those who would really like a good map. One of the reasons I'd like a good map bring me to my second point. I had contemplated sending a private Email to Mr. Brust, but then thought this would be a much better way to get an answer since, if the answer is "Yes, more power to you" then everyone here would know (and might then express an interest in participating), and if the answer is, "No, and what drug were you on when you thought of this?" then everyone would also know and hopefully the question wouldn't get asked again. :) I would dearly love to create a website where people could role-play (original characters only - any characters in the novels themselves would only show up as NPCs and would not be available for players to role-play) in Mr. Brust's world: what I see right now would have both chat- and message-based components. I have not decided what game system to go with yet: the sorcery is kinda giving me fits, so I'm trying to come up with something that allows for the incredible flexibility yet also deals with the limitations. In fact, if it ever happens, it's entirely possible I may use components from different systems....White Wolf's magic system might work here, whereas a D&D or GURPS system would work for the other aspects of the game. Anyhow, to get back to the actual question (for Mr. Brust): it is permissible to do this? I know there are many authors who are twitchy on this (because of copyright isues), so I don't want to do it if you do not care for the idea. I do know there is one MUSH/MUD out there, but that particular type of RPGing has never appealed to me. Frankly, I'm not even sure if what I envision is even possible, but I certainly don't want to pour more energy into thinking about it if it's not even a possibility. Merci, Stacy -still waiting for the paperback version of Issola to come out-