Wow! I think that having an RP going on is a splendid idea. (That is, of course, if it gets the thumbs up from Monsieur Brust.) I've been meaning to find me a new group of RPers, and I've failed miserably. (My character, Bel, now runs a place called Cafe Taltos, which she's been taking care of for almost five years, before I even knew who Steven Brust was. ~ No offense there, of course. My life has been enriched with my newfound fountain of experience. <g>) But anyway, I'm all for the idea. Just wanted to let you know you've got some support on it. I know it's kind of like cheating to take a world that's already been created and throw your characters into it, but I think it'd be pretty spiff. ~ Steph (who, by the way, is also waiting for "Issola" to come out in paperback, but is seriously thinking about giving up and purchasing it in hardback, even though it's infinitely more difficult to read in bed when the book's so large and so heavy! ::pouts some more, just for good measure::)