
delurk and question (good sources for fenarian myths?)

Wed Jun 5 16:25:01 PDT 2002

Just wanted to do a quick delurk and hello and ask a question.

Steve -- I've been reading you (like others on the list ;-) ) since
the initial publication of Jhereg, and have voraciously been consuming
your books since then.  (Even the silly associational stuff, like
Dzurlord, and the graphic novel version of Jhereg.)

Re: other points of discussion on list right now...

1) rpgs -- I recall an irc chat (from Pyramid) with you and Steve Jackson.
Did anything come out of that? Like turning the Vladiverse into a GURPS

2) I vastly prefer hardcovers over paperbacks, and quietly applauded
when Tor started issuing them as HC.  I also have a severe inability to
wait until paperbacks are published, so I'm really rather happy to like
HC.  I even like limited, beautifully bound HCs, but somehow I suspect
that my tastes there aren't shared by others on the list ;-)  

New question stuff:

I've long enjoyed the nonVlad Fenario stories.  I've understood that
Fenario is a reinterpretation of Hungary.  Is there a decent collection
of Hungarian folklore out there?  Is the taltos (please forgive my lack of
accents on that) strictly your invention, or did you borrow that?

On rabid drooling fangirl notes:

Any chance that we'll see the backhistory of Kragar?  Or a Dolivar book?


ps. you help ease the loss of R.Z.  Please do keep writing ;-) :-)
Arin Komins			       	      akomins at uchicago.edu 
Manager of Web Systems Architecture
University of Chicago/NSIT			tel: (773)834-4087
1155 E. 60th St. #302B Chicago, IL 60637	fax: (773)702-0559