One simple system: HellMUSH. Considering that I'm (sort of by process of elimination) running the thing, the system currently used by HellMUSH would -- and is -- perfect for a Dragaera RPG. Specific levels of attributes cost increasing XP values; the same (though a bit less steep an incline) for skills. Skills have 'primary' attributes, but they are by no means exclusive -- more a 'default setting' than anything. Skills in various sorceries are (or would be) available, performing general categories of things; depending on whether you're affecting an individual in a fast-and-nasty battle, or working your will across a barony (or a princedom), the sorcery takes a different period of time, and can/not be particularly detailed. Granted, tweaking would be necessary, but the system is home-grown, and is only loosely inspired by the White Wolf and Amber Diceless systems. Heh. I didn't create it, but by god I enjoy it. We even have our Sethra and our Morollan 'reflections' there... Me, I play Sethra. Well, what the drek did you expect? The best response ever given me is saved in my notes ... "Christ, she's cold. She gives me the creeps." -- Count Micantos, regarding Hela, Princess of Niflheim. And, of course, the greeting page mixes quotes from two great Hellish authors -- John Milton's _Paradise_Lost_, and Steven K. Zoltan Brust's _To_Reign_In_Hell_. FYI -- or telnet:// Knightmarshall Felix Surnamed Eisen, or "Iron Felix" Hand of Morr, The Order of Bones