

Starshadw at aol.com Starshadw at aol.com
Fri Jun 7 08:19:25 PDT 2002

The MUSH/MUD systems I've come across work, as he said, on a mathematical basis.  Given that, I've not seen one yet that lets you "fudge/massage/call it what you want" when it comes to the dice rolls and whatnot.  Either that, or they go the completely opposite way and are simply FFRP.

You are right, though, in that I have not seen his specific MUSH.  But if it works like the others, then I don't think it will work for what I've got brewing in my brain.

And since some people seem to be getting touchy, let me say that this is no way says HellMUSH (or any MUSH/MUD for that matter) is inferior/bad/icky in any way.  Just that I don't think a MUSH/MUD setup will work in this case.