
Teckla, etc

Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com
Fri Jun 7 19:04:28 PDT 2002

Steven Brust wrote:
> At 02:32 PM 6/7/2002 -0700, Gregory Rapawy wrote:
> >[Something.]
> Heh.  Give me a week and I'll make a Marxist out of you.  :-)

By any chance, have you read any of Ken Macleod's novels, particularly
_The Star Fraction_ or _The Stone Canal_?  One of many aspects to those
books involves what he seems to describe as a Marxist-Trotskyist utopia.
I would be willing to bet a small amount of money that he's a Trotskyist
Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com	http://www.exit.com/
Exit Consulting                 http://www.gpsclock.com/