
Not to be a jerk....

Mon Jun 10 07:33:30 PDT 2002

On Monday, June 10, 2002, at 10:28 AM, Starshadw at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated Mon, 10 Jun 2002 10:21:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> ahovey at caris.com writes:
> though you have a very valid underlying point.  I had
>> 200 plus messages in my inbox when I came back from my weekend 
>> vacation.
> Ummmm.....I have to ask:  What exactly were you (and others who have 
> complained about the number of Emails) expecting?  It -is- a mailing 
> list, after all.  Did you simply think you would only get one or two 
> Emails per week?  Per day?  And what would make you think that?  I 
> haven't seen a mailing list yet that had that few Emails: probably 
> because the few that did ended up closing down due to lack of 
> interest.  I'm not trying to be argumentative; I'm genuinely curious.
>> I definately think that there should be a list strictly for book
>> related discussion as I couldn't give two rats about all of this RPG 
>> crap.
> David is working on two more lists.  Hopefully, they will be up and 
> running soon.
>> (My opinion) As such I also feel that thirty emails about spices in a
>> Dragaera is absurd also(and I love to cook).
> Actually, there was more going on in those "spice" discussions than 
> just talking about spice. :)  You do have to be careful in assuming too 
> much by the subject line.  Sometimes, the conversation veers away from 
> what is directly stated in the subject.
> I guess I'm just kinda shocked (that's not really the word I'm looking 
> for) that people are complaining about receiving Emails when they have 
> subscribed to an Email(ing) list.  Isn't that the whole point?  I guess 
> I'm just confused as to what the problem is....
> Stacy
I think perhaps people were shocked by the volume. I am on several 
Macintosh related lists and at first I too was shocked but I realized, 
that's why they have mailing lists, to communicate with others who share 
your interest. Anyone who feels overwhelmed should try the digest 
version. Makes everything compact into one nifty email.

The volume should decrease after the mailing list is split into threes.
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