
Reflections on Issola

Mon Jun 10 10:15:13 PDT 2002

On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 02:11:18PM -0300, Adam Hovey <ahovey at caris.com> wrote:
> Does anybody else get these virus messages from Matthew Hunter??????  I've
> tried to tell him like four times now and they still get sent.
> Sorry to be completely off topic but it is my opinion that he since he never
> writes on here anyhow and only sends virus' that he should be removed fromt
> he list and sent a message telling him to clean up his PC and then re
> apply.....It may be mean but I am tired of getting these sent to me from
> him.

Excuse me while I cackle insanely now.

My messages are cryptographically signed by GPG.  They are NOT
virus-infected.  Adam's mail client, and/or virus-scanning mail
server, is broken.  Badly.

I have received no messages (on the list or otherwise) from
Adam, so clearly the breakage is present in more than one way.

I will leave the cryptographic signature off of this message 
so Adam can read it.  

Hi Adam.

Please fix your mail client.


Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)