
Nicknaming the books

Tue Jun 11 13:04:05 PDT 2002

Steven Brust <skzb at dreamcafe.com> wrote on Mon, 10 Jun 2002 18:45:38
> At 07:56 PM 6/10/2002 -0500, A. Nonymous wrote:
> >
> >I've seen several of the books refered to by nickname in interviews, but 
> >never the whole list, would you be so kind as to enlighten us, Steve?
[TKY moved list down and annotated it with the answers]

> Some of them are obvious; the rest are left as an exercise for the reader. :-)

I made a bunch of guesses --all correct-- and then realized you had
given them in publication order.  Still, I made spot checks using


which revealed that, out of respect, you don't nickname collaborations
(Freedom & Necessity; The Gypsy).

> Jar-head                 [ Jhereg ]
> The Rain in Spain        [ To Reign in Hell ]
> Yentil                   [ Yendi ]
> Ripple                   [ Brokedown Palace ]
> Tacky                    [ Teckla ]
> Crosby, Stills, & Nash   [ Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, The ]
> Milquetoast              [ Taltos ]
> Shit Happens             [ Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grille ]
> Tucson                   [ Phoenix ]
> The Kleenex Guards       [ The Phoenix Guards ]
> Aw, Gee                  [ Agyar ]
> Urethra                  [ Athyra ]
> Five Hundred Beers After [ Five Hundred Years After ]
> Porker                   [ Orca ]
> Drag Queen               [ Dragon ]
> Is Ole                   [ Issola ]

(My google search didn't turn up any other sources of info.)

- tky