
How did you discover ... ?

Lisa Grant Coffin lisa at spindot.com
Thu Jun 13 18:49:16 PDT 2002

Steven Brust <skzb at dreamcafe.com> wrote:
> At 01:54 AM 6/14/2002 +0200, Sander wrote:
>> Thomas Yan wrote:
>>> I'm curious.  How did you discover Steve's books, and how did you
>>> learn of this mailing list?
>> Robin Hobb recommended them to me
> What a sweetie.

ah, couldn't resist this one.

in the first place, i discovered steven's books through a list online some
years ago. someone, don't remember who now, wrote a list of their library
and notes about the various series and authors. thought i would like the
adventures of vlad, and i loved them. i think people doing these lists are
really helpful for readers seeking new sff authors. i could go on here about
the lack of marketing in sff, but i won't. i think i'm going to do a list of
my own to help others some day soon, now that i think about it.

second, i found out about robin hobb through an interview of steven's. i now
have all of her books as well. *she* send me bookplates for all of my books.

lisa grant coffin