
How did you discover ... ?

Thu Jun 13 19:04:56 PDT 2002

tyan at twcny.rr.com writes:

>I'm curious.  How did you discover Steve's books, and how did you
>learn of this mailing list?

I was reading through Terri Windling's novel recommendations in "The Year's
Best Fantasy and Horror" (in whatever edition it was), and saw her
enthusiastic rec for "The Phoenix Guards".  I bought it, read it, loved it,
and promptly went out and bought/read-at-the-library everything he'd
written to that point.  I've been a huge fan ever since.

I found out about the list from dreamcafe.com, which I made it a point to
check every so often (now that's not so important, since news comes to me
in my Inbox).