At 11:26 PM 6/13/2002 -0400, Starshadw at wrote: >Steve?!? Give out a spoiler? Hah! He's one of the most close-mouthed ba--- >errr, umm, he's one of the most stingy---- err, ummm.....he's one of the most >ambiguous, murk----err....he's the most handsome, bestest author around! >Yeah! That's it! > >-winks- I'm only kidding, of course. Besides, I like that you (meaning >Steve) don't give anything away, although I'd be willing to give you (again >Steve) one of my ovaries to know who/what Devera really is. <Stares at the above message, mouth opening, closing, hand waving vacently in the air, and at last decides that there is simply no possible response>