
[Poll] What haven't you read?

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Fri Jun 14 15:48:47 PDT 2002

Gaertk at aol.com writes:

> Now that we've heard all the arguments for and against
> spoiler protection, let's see if anyone actually needs it.

This can't be conclusive; new people are still joining the list, and I
hope continue to do so for years. 

Some people *definitely* need it. The fact that the early books are
still in print shows that people are still buying them, which means
mostly they haven't read them but are starting to.

> I intend to spoiler protect the Greater Revelation of Orca
> regardless of what anyone else thinks, since that is the 
> one thing that *I* would have been upset had it been 
> spoiled.

I suspect that there are a *few* things that are *both* surprises
*and* have far-reaching importance that people will regret having
spoiled, whatever policy we adopt.  I think that the policy we adopt
should try to protect those things, and distinguish them from
"moderate" spoilers which, frankly, on a list devoted to the works of
one author, are so ubiquitous that it would be remarkably annoying to
label each and every one.  

But things like...


...Sethra and Kiera being the same person, or Lady Teldra becoming
part of a Great Weapon that Vlad gets to keep, or whatever
Spellbreaker really is (which we probably don't know yet), would be a
shame to spoil for people.

On the other hand, I'm not so clear on Vlad having Aliera's brother's
soul.  It's a surprise, but it hasn't had much in the way of
consequences yet.  It's not the "point" of the book it's revealed in,
to my eyes, despite it's positioning. 

And any policy allowing any leeway at all is an invitation to endless
discussions about classification of things, which I don't think would
be that much fun really.

This is *very* clearly one of those issues where there are a few
moderately unsatisfactory solutions, a few disastrous solutions, and
no clearly good solutions around (at least nobody has exhibited a good
one yet to my taste). 
David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b at dd-b.net  /  New TMDA anti-spam in test
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