
Devera [was: protection]

Raellew at aol.com Raellew at aol.com
Sat Jun 15 06:45:19 PDT 2002

*** Spoilers *** for Issola
In a message dated 6/14/02, tyan at twcny.rr.com writes:
>There's an interesting list on pp226-227.  Barlen and "other Lords of
>Judgment appeared".  There's a list of beings, ending with "even a
>dragon which {'should' be 'that' :)} [...] seemed [...] as if it knew me
>[but] didn't seem like [the "one from the Paths of the Dead"]".
>I guess "even" means (Vlad thinks) "in addition to the LoJs, there was
>also a dragon, who is not a LoJ" -- indeed, on p247, the LoJs and the
>dragon are listed separately.  Damn.  I *like* the idea of Devera as a
>Lord of Judgment.  I suppose she still could become one.

Vlad, on p226, is describing the Lords of Judgment. There's:
A burning stick
a cat-centaur*
a chunk of trellanstone with legs and spindly arms
a walking prism
a dragon

There's no indication that any beings other than gods have appeared in
that scene, and I don't see why Vlad, with all those strange shapes,
would assume one of them *wasn't* a god.

*Is the cat-centaur Kelchor? Vlad makes no mention in _Taltos_ of her
looking like a cat-centaur, but she is their god, and if Devera can 
shapeshift, maybe Kelchor can too.

In a message dated 6/14/02, tyan at twcny.rr.com writes:
"Monty Ashley" <monty at montykins.com> wrote on Fri, 14 Jun 2002 16:09:29
>> But since Devera also serves a plot purpose in the Vlad books, when a 
>> containing something sentient appears and Sethra first acts like Aliera
>> should know who it is and then says (on page 230) "Very well. Leave her
>> alone, we'll adjust," I get suspicious.
>-snip rest of cool analysis-
>Nitpick: Sethra acts like Aliera should know who the *dragon*,
>not the *cloud*, is (p230).  So, are there indications that the cloud,
>which manifests at the same time as the dragon, is also Devera?

I think the cloud is Adron. It could be another of the gods, though.

p230 the cloud "appeared thick enough either to contain something
sentient, or perhaps even to be something sentient, though if it was
it was nothing I wanted to get to know personally."

pp233-234 "there was a tremendous flash of light from directly overhead
that left me seeing spots"; Loiosh says it came from "that guy overhead",
and one of the Jenoine is down.

[begin quote]
Sethra looked out over the Sea and said, "Adron is out there?"
"Yes. I suspected he would be."
"Conscious? Aware?" said Sethra.
Aliera shrugged. I understood that shrug. "Consciousness" and "awareness"
aren't always clear-cut concepts, as I had just learned."
[end quote]
