In a message dated Tue, 18 Jun 2002 8:48:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Starshadw at writes: > > Excellent!! I'm glad you're interested. Let me know what > you think when you get it. Actually, I really like the > idea of everyone on the list sharing their "odd" books. > I'm going to look into that other Angel book as well. > Anyone else have any "odd" books - referential, research, > etc.? I don't care much for reading reference books, and when I do, it's generally shallow, pop-science type, like _The Science of Discworld_ (Pratchett, Stewart, Cohen), or _The Cartoon History of the Universe_ (Larry Gonick), or _Chaos: the Making of a Science_ (Gleick). I do have some more serious (and mostly unread) stuff including many collections of Asimov essays, and a two collections of Martin Gardner's. And one of these days I'll get my hands on a cheap copy of _The Art of Computer Programming_.... Hmmm what all have I left out? Oh yeah, Diana Wynne Jones' _Tough Guide to Fantasyland_. --KG