

Tue Jun 18 18:59:55 PDT 2002

On Tuesday, June 18, 2002, at 09:54 PM, Rick Castello wrote:

> Steven Brust said:
>> At 09:42 PM 6/18/2002 -0400, Rick Castello wrote:
>>> Steven Brust said:
>>>> At 09:30 PM 6/18/2002 -0400, Chris Turkel wrote:
>>>>> You have a dog?
>>>> Nope.  No dog here.  No dogs anywhere nearby.  That brown thing
>>>> looking
>>>>  brainless on my couch is, um, a lump of fabric.  Yeah, yeah, that's
>>>> it.
>>>      Did this just become a stalker-esque FAQ question?
>>>      Q:  Do you have any pets?  If so, what are their names and
>>>      species?
>> The dog about whom I am in denial is no threat to stalkers.  If a
>> burglar  broke into my house, he'd hold the flashlight for him.
>      I misspoke, perhaps... I meant the sort of question that someone
>      stalking a favorite author might ask.  :)
>      -Rick
I'm an author myself and I would hope no one would stalk me. I have 
better things to do with my life instead of stalking, like writing 
books, reading, sleeping...
Chris Turkel
Guru, Dragaera Readalong List