
Tidnits for Steve (when he gets back)

Starshadw at aol.com Starshadw at aol.com
Fri Jul 5 16:24:53 PDT 2002

Was just perusing the weblog....

June 8th: I should introduce you to my father.  He came very close to being a 
professional gambler once upon a time, and he still loves to play poker 
whenever he can.  When he comes to visit us (myself, and two younger sisters) 
out here in Colorado, he always takes a trip up to Cripple Creek for some 
poker playing.

June 14th - what makes you think ALL of your fans aren't nut cases??  We just 
blend better than Gaiman's nut cases. >;)

June 18th: American History makes my teeth itch......I've never enjoyed it.  
Not one bit.  Which is probably why........

June 28th: Better be careful - you'll soon be in my territory (or at least, 
familiar territory).  I have an MA in Medieval History (with a smidgen of 
Renaissance thrown in because they made me and because the uni I went to had 
no Ancient History tract to do instead).

June 29th: this is cool, is it not?  All of the computers on the uni campus I 
work at part-time have the SETI thing crunching away whenever someone isn't 
using the computer.
