

Tue Jul 9 12:44:59 PDT 2002

Gaertk at aol.com writes:
> In a message dated Mon, 8 Jul 2002 4:46:08 PM Eastern
> Standard Time, tyan at twcny.rr.com (Thomas Yan) writes:
> > Do we have any idea how old Kragar is?  (Anyone want to 
> > list everything we know about him?)
> I've been paying specific attention to ages when doing my
> Notes posts (in Readalong list), so once we get to the Vlad
> books I'll post what info we have.  Until then, you can 
> check the scene where Vlad first meets him (in a flashback)
> in either _Yendi_ or _Taltos_.

I flipped through both and didn't see anything about his age.  The
reason I ask is that I wonder if (his age makes it possible) we'll see
him or the Demon in _Paths of the Dead_.

- tky