

Richard Suitor rsuitor at cjwrfs.net
Wed Jul 10 08:26:52 PDT 2002

On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 14:40:29 +0530, "Divya" <divyasatyam at satyam.net.in> wrote:

>A further point against their being the
>same person: Aliera liked Mario, and she has shown she despises Kragar.

I really don't want to jump on the Mario=Kragar bandwagon, but Adron's
disaster wasn't really Adron's disaster - it was Adron, Aliera and Mario's
disaster.  I could imagine Aliera's attitude toward Mario changing after she
was retrieved.  Also, Mario, who/wherever he is, has had several hundred years
to find a new girlfriend.  So Aliera's attitude is not a strong argument
against and is possibly an argument for.

And I'm not sure that Paarfi's colleague is that much more reliable a source
than Paarfi is.  How sure are we that the 500YA Mario was really Mario and not
some other Jhereg of the same name?
