

Rachael Lininger rachael at daedala.net
Sun Jul 14 19:21:28 PDT 2002

On Jul 14, K Kuhn said:
>frankNfi wrote:
>> > *If* you believe what Paarfi says.  Ask yourself what
>> > sources he could possibly be using for those scenes.
>> >
>> FHYA is purportedly published in the year 11 of  Reign of the Dragon
>> Norathar the Second.  By then Mario could have published his memoirs, or
>> Paarfi could
>> have interviewed the happy couple of Mario & Aliera.
>Maybe Paarfi is Mario?   Given Mario's payscale, he needs some way to
>explain the money he makes.  And being officially known as a nosy
>researcher might make it easier to investigate someone.

This is sick. I love it. I don't believe it, but I love it.


Rachael             From the Dilbert Newsletter:
   Lininger              "You should talk to her. 
     rachael@                   She is a minefield of information."