
Vlad Interview Questions

Wed Jul 17 20:23:37 PDT 2002

While I did argue against spoilerspace on this list, 
the below should probably be protected from casual browsing
anyway -- at least until we have a firm decision not to.
I would hate to spoil someone who was counting on not being
spoiled but thought this list was safe.


On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 11:23:59PM -0400, Starshadw at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 7/17/2002 9:17:50 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 
> matthew at infodancer.org writes:
> > 7) There are a few scenes (before you met Cawti) which could be
> > read to imply a certain amount of romantic tension between
> > yourself and Kiera.  Any comment?
> > 
> > 8) Following your realization concerning Kiera and Sethra, have
> > you given any further thought to the events early in your life
> > which brought you into contact with Sethra, Morrolan, et al?
> And having come to said realization, how did that make you feel about the 
> certain amount of romantic tension? (Just how dead and how UNdead, is she???)

*sniff* I asked already by implication, no need to make it

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
[0]: With a very large smile.