
the next vlad book?

Starshadw at aol.com Starshadw at aol.com
Thu Jul 18 09:33:11 PDT 2002

In a message dated Thu, 18 Jul 2002 11:03:48 AM Eastern Standard Time, zizban at adelphia.net writes:

> Yes, Robert Jordan tends to over write alot--sometimes I just want to 
> scream "Get on with it!". At first, like during the first four books, I 
> was impressed by the level of detail and nuances he 
> described. Now, 5 
> books later, I find it irritating.

There are writer who can get away with a style such as this, but most cannot.

Tolkien and Richard Adams are two that do it well.
Tad Williams is another who does NOT do it well.
