
Comfort Books

Thu Jul 18 11:35:48 PDT 2002

On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 01:24:53PM -0500, "nikki m. pill" <stvitus at flash.net> wrote:
> And Jose wrote:
> > Mmm. Susan Cooper's Dark is Rising sequence comes to mind.

One of my favorites as well.

> My comfort books -- particularly when I'm under stress:
> 3. David Eddings' *Mallorean* and *Belgariad.* I got hooked on them when I
> was 13 and haven't been able to kick the habit.

Reread them one last time, all in a row.  Pay close attention to
each cliche, stereotype, failure of a character to grow and
change over the course of the books, and so on.  In fact, just
make up a checklist of the qualities of bad writing, and fill it

At the end of each series, write a one-paragraph plot summary
without referring to any proper names or places.

When you have read all of the Eddings books you have available,
note that your "bad writing" checklist for each one is completely
filled out, and compare your plot summaries (noting that they are
functionally identical).

This will cure you.

(Hey, it worked for me.  I loved Edding first time through the
Belgariad.  I began to be annoyed at his lack of creativity
through the Mallorean.  As soon as the Sparhawk series was
revealed to be a quest for Yet Another Blue Stone, I figured out
what he was doing and threw the book across the room.)

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)