
comfort books

Nicklas Andersson hologram at algonet.se
Thu Jul 18 12:32:55 PDT 2002

At 23:33 2002-07-17 -0400, Starshadw at aol.com wrote:
>And another book question:  Do you have "comfort" books?  Sometimes, 
>if I'm
>having trouble sleeping because I'm nervous or stressed or frightened, 
>or if
>I'm not feeling well, or am going through one of my melancholies, I 
>books that I can go and grab off the bookshelf and sit down and read 
>and they
>make me feel a little better.  Mine are all easy reads - in fact, the 
>books and Nimh are probably some of my comfort books.

As when I start to read something, I continue reading it even if it is 
far to late and I should be sleeping, I tend to keep my comfort books 
short. I alos like them to be somewhat askew and remind me that 
sometimes reality ins't the way I percieve it.

Paul Di Filippo's "The Jackdaw's Last Case". Short Story in his Lost 
Pages-book. It's about a superhero. And Kafka. The rest of the stories 
also feature authors and famous people in alternative universes.

William Browning Spencer's ""Résumé With Monsters". A Cthuhlianian love 

Terry Carr's "Fandom Harvest" too I guess. Selected fanzine writings.

/ Nicklas