
Comfort shelf

Thu Jul 18 14:43:58 PDT 2002


Add L.E. Modessit Jr and  Neal Stephenson to my shelf :)

I've just noticed that there's been some Eddings bashing on the list. Well,
fair enough, I've never considered him to be an 'elegant' writer, but
there's something about the Belgariad's environment that makes it
particualarly 'comfortable' to slip into... which is why his books are on my
'comfort shelf'.

My contribution to the Jordon conversation: I've been a long time happy
contributor to the "Buy Robert Jordon a second (third?) yacht" club, but I'm
beginning to feel a little abused....

I haven't experienced this much clumsy and prolonged foreplay without
release since I was 15.

Of course, back then, it was sort of fun...