
Vlad and Mario (Re: Vlad Interview Questions -- Final Version)

Gregory Rapawy grapawy at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 19 08:42:58 PDT 2002

--- Brad <holden at salome.uchicago.edu> wrote:
> Vlad's real skill is working as a detective, 
> sniffing out conspiracies and the like.  That is 
> where his future lies. Though how Steve is gonna 
> deal with this whole great weapon thing is beyond

On a tangent (though one that takes us back towards
another thread), it's interesting to see the parallels
between Mario as depicted in _Five Hundred Years
After_ (by Paarfi, through Steve) and Vlad.  _Five
Hundred Years_ is only briefly told from Mario's
perspective (even indirectly), but I can very easily
see how it could have been, and how it would have
looked much like a Vlad story: 

* the initial offer (too big to pass up -- certainly 
  a tendency of Vlad's we are familiar with from 
  _Jhereg_ and _Taltos_);

* the carefully planned first attempt that goes awry;

* the sudden veer into emotional entanglement with 
  Aliera (reminiscent of Vlad's meeting with Cawti, as

  in _Yendi_);

* the development of a brilliant and dangerous scheme 
  (motivated in part by vengeance and in part by love,

  as in _Teckla_ and _Phoenix_) from a chance-
  overheard remark (similar to Vlad's confrontation
  with Aliera in _Jhereg_ that leads to her faked

* and the spectacular denouement (admittedly far more 
  destructive than anything Vlad has done yet, but 
  Vlad's own series is less than halfway through).

Possible reasons for the correspondence, not mutually

(1) purely artistic (Steve is playing with recurring 
    themes -- perhaps _Five Hundred Years_ can be read

    as a variation, much like _Athyra_ or _Orca_, told

    from a different point of view);

(2) Vlad's character (consider Kiera's remark in 
    _Orca_ that Vlad has a "superstitious dread" of 
    Mario -- perhaps Vlad views Mario (who after all
    has an Eastern name) as a role model of sorts --
    as we don't know *when* Vlad is telling his 
    stories, I'm not sure whether we can rule out his
    having read Paarfi, and there is certainly a 
    comment in _Orca_ that indicates he is familiar
    with Paarfi's work -- the "cut to pieces" line);

(3) Mario as one of Vlad's reincarnations (probably 
    ruled out by Steve's comments here and elsewhere 
    regarding Mario -- both that he "is Mario" and 
    that he is still alive at the time of _Jhereg_
    although I think it is an interesting hypothesis
    from the purely textual evidence).

-- Greg

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