
Vlad Interview Questions -- Final Version

Mon Jul 22 11:36:28 PDT 2002

Stacy wrote:
>In a message dated 7/22/2002 11:34:27 AM Mountain Daylight Time, mneme at io.com 
>> Do people who never go to conventions really think this is what they
>> are like?
>I've been to enough of them in the past that my opinion is based on my 
>experience.  I've been to big ones (StarCon in Denver - when Patrick Stewart 
>made his last appearance) and to smaller ones (small gaming convention in 
>Wisconsin) and they were all the same, whether they were big or little.  Lots 
>of people milling about aimlessly, crowding each other, etc.

You might want to try one of the smaller, more literary conventions,
like Wiscon, or Potlatch, or Readercon. (Note: I'm on the committee
that runs Readercon, so I'm biased.) Maybe Minicon, though I don't
know how big it is these days. I've been to several conventions where
Steve has given readings, and he's always delightful. 
