
Assassin Novels

Tue Jul 23 07:43:01 PDT 2002

R. Alan Miller
Dragon Networks, Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Brust [mailto:skzb at dreamcafe.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 09:27
> To: Scott Ingram; T J; dragaera at dragaera.info
> Subject: Re: Assassin Novels
> At 10:58 PM 7/22/2002 -0400, Scott Ingram wrote:
> >Cruise the second hand shops and check out the Destroyer novels.
> Oh, yes.  They're a blast.
> I assume no one has mentioned the Fafhrd and Grey Mouser stories of Fritz
> Leiber because they're too obvious.

I mentioned them in my comfort list, so I guess that I'm a bit obvious.
Or was stating that too obvious ?  wait a minute.....
