
Random thoughts and musings--SPOILERS

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Thu Jul 25 09:45:11 PDT 2002

> Does anybody see a pattern here?  Thinking back, I don't recall either
> way if Paarfi mentioned Iceflame (tho I'm gonna re-read those books soon),
> so its quite possible that all four of the GWs we know of were not
> available until after Adrons Disaster.

500YA does mention Sethra's dagger, and I *think*
I recall it mentioning that it was super-hoopty,
but I could be mistaken on that last one.

But then, maybe Sethra just likes small, pointy-things...

"Life is the nightmare that leaves its mark upon you
in order to prove that it is, in fact, real."
	-Thomas Ligotti- 'The Sect of the Idiot'