
The Gypsy

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Thu Jul 25 16:22:00 PDT 2002

> Erm.  I'm about to start reading The Gypsy, but my (used) copy is 
> unfortunately missing pages 295-298 (paperback edition).  So here's my plea. 
> . . .  Is there anyone else with a copy who would be so kind as to scan in 
> those pages, or type them, or (more likely) mail me a brief summary of 
> events?

Hmm... I seem to recall the same thing in that one
(though it could have been another book.)  Have you
checked to see if it was just a misprint of page #'s?,
or if those pages are in another part of the book?  I'd
have to go back and look at my copy to see what happened
with it, as it's been a year or two since I read that
one (which is a GREAT book, btw!  Major Cat-Kudo's to Brust
and Lindholm for that one!!:)

Cheers and good luck!
Chris (whose entered below one of his favorite lines from Gypsy:)

"Blind man's night is music to the deaf, and 
everyone has *two* paths, not one, whence comes
tragedy and comedy, forsooth and damn straight,
 - "The Gypsy" - Brust & Lindholm