Remember, even if humans colonized Dragaera, it was a long time ago, like 100,000 years. Think about that: 100,000 years ago on Earth we sitting in caves sharpening spears. ------ Chris Turkel,Guru, Dragaera Readalong List That would be 100,000 Dragerian years ago. The estimate from the Dragerian time line is 200,000 years. That's about the current estimate of the age of Homo Sapiens. There is no evidence that time runs at the same speed on earth & Dragaera. From the off Dragerian experiences we know of Vlad & Sethra the Younger we now that time can flow differently in different places in the Dragerian Universe. From the evidence of the novels the original colonists to Dragaera would have had to originate on earth some time after the evolution of modern Italian & Hungarian ( within the last 1000 earth years) . And very probably during a period where communism existed & was taken seriously ( the 19th & 20th centuries). If the Steven Brust that is on this list is the same Steven Brust having the conversations with Parfi the now on Dragaera would be in the first Reign of the Dragon in the Second Great Cycle. Therefor time would seem to pass on Dragaera somewhere between 200 & 2000 times as fast as it would on earth. As no one but Mr. Brust has had interdimensional travel on Earth in the last 1000 years I am guessing that the original earth colonists were kidnapped by the Jenoine for their experiments. Francesco