
weapons, games, and more

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Wed Aug 7 15:57:07 PDT 2002

> I believe that magic, in fiction, needs to be poetically precise and
> literarily elegant.

I have to agree with this belief.  Makes much sense...

> Honestly, I hope Steve reveals just enough about magic on Dragera to drive
> the plots and make the structure of his books interesting (see, _Taltos_).

Yep.  Gotta agree with this one as well.  Too much
information can ruin the mystique...:)

> I'd really HATE to start seeing questions like: "In your last book Vlad had
> thrown two knives, had cast a 'energy blast' spell, and pulled a sword
> before his enemies reacted. Even assuming that Vlad had the maximum
> initiative role, the casting of the EB spell should take a full turn
> execute - how is it possible that he was able to execute what should have
> been 2 turns worth of action in one?"
> I mean really, that would suck.  (Heh, sorry Chris, I know you weren't
> asking for that much detail.)

Ewww!!!  What a disgusting thought!  And I actualy
wasn't asking the question.  Used to play in a larp
where one of my favorite lines was "I don't want to know!"

I'm quite pleased with being tossed little morsels and the
occasional hint, thank you...<grin>


"Life is the nightmare that leaves its mark upon you
in order to prove that it is, in fact, real."
	-Thomas Ligotti- 'The Sect of the Idiot'