
Sethra Lavode vs. Enchantress of Dzur Mountain

Matt Jennings attjen at gwu.edu
Tue Aug 13 18:24:07 PDT 2002

Hello All,

This is also my first message to this group, and I wanted to see what everyone 
thinks of skzb's naming of part two of Viscount. (check out dreamcafe's weblog 
if you haven't heard)

Originally it had been said (rumored?) that the titles would be

The Paths of the Dead
The Enchantress of Dzur Mountain
The Lord of Castle Black

So what do you all think of the new title "Sethra Lavode", and what 
speculation do you have for the "variety of reasons" skzb refers too (which he 
might correct or confuse if we come close to the mark)?

My thoughts,

- This would make a trio of "name" books for skzb.  Taltos, Agyar, Sethra 
Lavode.  We all should know (from Brokedown Palace, Sun Moon & Stars) what 
"taltos" means (even if you haven't heard of the Anne Rice book).  Agyar if 
you've read it should be obvious, and Sethra is a ancient long dead mythical 
figure... who eats little... etc etc...

- I actually like the original titles in that they were all "place" related, 
and wonder what the shift from "place" to "person" might mean as far as story 

- I can't exactly remember the equivalent titles for Dumas' work, someone who 
knows off hand what the equivalent work is titled might see some parallels I 

- This new title might indicate that our loyal Tiassa and Sethra have nearly 
as close a connection as Sethra and Vlad... (remember Sethra did stay over one 
night in 500ya)


um... otherstuff that I might think of during tomorrow's metro ride...


"Forward in all directions." - 3m3