
Sethra Lavode vs. Enchantress of Dzur Mountain

Wed Aug 14 01:39:54 PDT 2002

On Wed, Aug 14, 2002 at 03:57:11PM +0800, Andrew Bailey
<andrew at networkharmoni.com.au> wrote:                                          
>>Who's going to have trouble pronouncing it?  Not the
>>returning book buyer.   
>>They're going to know how to spell it as well.                               
>The sales clerk when being asked about new books, perhaps.                    
>Basically anything that helps Steve sell more books is a good

Not when it reduces their quality.

Not that this is such a significant change, but "The
Enchantress of Dzur Mountain" is IMHO clearly the better title. 
"Sethra Lavode" is harder to pronounce and spell, even.
I mean, think about it... clueless reader sees one book with 
each title.  Clueless reader A has NO idea who or what Sethra
Lavode is, and ignores the book.  A does, however, know what
an "Enchantress" and "Mountain" are, and can make a reasonable
guess that it's a fantasy novel about an enchantress who lives in,
or comes from, a mountain.  "Dzur" works just fine taken as a
proper name, even unrecognized.
Clueful reader B, however, will recognize both titles, and buy
the book regardless of title.

Thus, I don't really see anything gained by the new
Anyone have any real idea what the clue percentage of SF novel                  
buyers is?  That is, of a given novel, what percentage sell to                  
people with clue and what percentage sell to people who pick up                 
the cover, say "Oooh, shiny!", and fail their saving throw vs                   
Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
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