
On Paarfi and his translators

Wed Aug 14 17:25:24 PDT 2002

At 05:54 PM 8/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Steve Brust wrote:
> > My edition (Little, Brown & Co., 1887) has them in 9 volumes --
> >  10 Years Later
> >  Raul De Bragalonne Vol 1 and 2
> >  Louisa de la Valliere Vol 1 and 2
> >  The Man in the Iron Mask Vol 1 and 2
> >  Fortunes of d'Artagnon Vol 1 and 2
>Some years back one of your publishers reprinted 'The Three Musketeers'
>in what was supposedly your favored translation.  TTM had left me cold
>in high school and one or two attempts afterwards, but since I'd enjoyed
>Paarfi and his language, I gave it a shot.
>It was great fun, primarily because the language finally clicked for me.
>Thinking it was just all those years of personal development since high
>school, I picked up a translation of 'Twenty Years After' -- and bombed.

<big smile> I feel validated.  Yes.  The translation is everything.  Modern 
translation suck.  It would be nice if Tor reissued Twenty Years After, but 
TTM didn't do well, so that's unlikely.

>So I have two questions, really.  Do the other Little/Brown editions
>you have seem to be by the same translator, and does Tor have any
>interest in doing the rest of them?

Yes and no.