
OT: Subjectivity vs. Objectivity (was: bois...)

Fri Aug 16 07:29:13 PDT 2002

Whoa, whoa, whoa....easy Stacy.  <chuckles>  
Steve  isn't saying that he wants to decide which words get usage and which do not.  Only which words HE will use and which changes HE accepts.  He certainly does not desire to make those decisions for anyone besides himself. ( myself excluded)
I am running for Empress of North America in 2008, so , if you vote for me, *I'll* decide which words enter the American-English language, agreed?  <chuckles>  I am much nicer than Steve about new words.  I happen to LIKE new words.
Maybe it is the computer-geek in me ( that is what I do for a living) that thrives on new words and new definitions.  Give me time and maybe I'll "larn hem sum new uns".  <chuckles>
With Love and Peace,
*Servant of the Sage of the English Language and Keeper of the Oxford English Unabridged Dictionary.*

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