

Joshua Kronengold mneme at io.com
Fri Aug 16 07:52:44 PDT 2002

Nytemuse writes:
>So how many people will be coming to ConJose (WorldCon) this month?  I'm
>not sure how many Bay Areans there are, or if anyone's flying in, but just
>curious.  I'll be there (for my first time) and promoting Strange

I'll be there, flying in from NYC.

     Joshua Kronengold (mneme at io.com) "I've been teaching |\      _,,,--,,_  ,)
--^--him...to live, to breathe, to walk, to sample the   /,`.-'`'   -,  ;-;;'  
  /\\joy on each road, and the sorrow at each turning.   |,4-  ) )-,_ ) /\     
/-\\\I'm sorry if I kept him out too late"--Vlad Taltos '---''(_/--' (_/-'