Don't forget that one of the most important factors in the different styles (Eastern vs Dragaerian) is the stance. Vlad uses the 'modern' side stance, which exposes little of his body. This means he can parry/attack with one hand while using his other to do his little tricks. (throw knives, shurikens, etc...) Khaavren et al use a full-face stance, meaning they usually need a poinard to defend that side of their body. If they happen not to have one, just check out the results in 500ya (Garland & co. vs. our heroes). I think that most of the duel/fighting descriptions in PG and 500ya do a good job of showing how both hands (poinard & sword) are generally used for attack and defense in the Dragaerian style. That is, except for Bruce Le... excuse me, Aerich. Khaavren does seem to exhibit the mentality of an epee fencer (which if memory serves is what skzb himself said he used to do) in that he won't necessarily go for the kill, but contents himself with making little hits & scratches, until his opponnent makes a mistake or gets frustrated. In the Vlad books, it is more difficult to see how he does what he does... but then Vlad cheats. MattJ "Forward in all directions." - 3m3