
OT: bois (was: Sethra Lavode vs. Enchantress of Dzur Mountain)

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Fri Aug 16 11:30:30 PDT 2002

rone at ennui.org (magical truthsaying bastard roney!) writes:

> Steven Brust writes:
>   But I certainly agree with David that sloppy writing indicates sloppy 
>   thinking.  I am not certain I can prove, or even defend this belief.
> I think it might be symptomatic, but it can simply indicate inherent
> sloppiness in the writer; that is, not sloppy thinking, but sloppy doing.

And how many people who are "inherenly sloppy" actually think clearly? 
David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b at dd-b.net  /  New TMDA anti-spam in test
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