
More word usage...

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Aug 16 13:48:30 PDT 2002

> I like this example because, for me, it demonstrates a flaw
> in my English.
> For whatever reason, I always use " and I", even though 
> I believe both of your examples are flawed.

I believe this comes about from parents telling us
not to use "You and me", but instead use "you and I",
which is correct, but I think it carried over in our heads so that
"___ and me", we felt, was never correct.

Or maybe that was just my parents... <grin>

> Fish, comes to mind.  One fish.  Two fish.  Not, two fishes,
> although when I have looked it up the dictionary allows it. 

English seems notorious for this.  Singular and plural forms
of nouns are invariably different.  Maybe they're all reading
>from different rule books?   :)

I'm reminded of:  Goose - Geese, Moose - Moose, 

> Fundamentally the reason I believe these flaws developled was
> because I learned English from reading, far before I learned
> about grammar, and as a result I lack a solid foundation.

Heh.  Well, there is always that... :)

"Life is the nightmare that leaves its mark upon you
in order to prove that it is, in fact, real."
	-Thomas Ligotti- 'The Sect of the Idiot'