
Swords, and a tolerable acquaintance with their length

magical truthsaying bastard roney! rone at ennui.org
Sat Aug 17 12:32:22 PDT 2002

Chris Turkel writes:
  Yes, kind of like the JRR Tolkien effect; leave plenty of notes so you 
  can publish books for years after you are dead.
Well, the problem with that is, taking the Herbert-Anderson Dune
prequels as an example, it might be better to will all notes to
someone who can actually write something /good/ with them.

{Reagan's} presidency always reminded me of a remark made by a woman to
Heywood Broun following Secretariat's victory in the Triple Crown.  After the
trauma of Vietnam and Watergate, she said, Secretariat had "restored her faith
in humanity."  I like to think Reagan was the Secretariat of the eighties.
						- Garry Trudeau