
The World as We Know It.

Fri Aug 23 16:13:15 PDT 2002

At 06:16 PM 8/23/2002 -0500, Sunny Han wrote:
>Yesterday evening, a child was shot in melee shootout in an urban part of 
>Minnesota. The Law Enforcement Officers were raiding a house suspected of 
>harboring drug dealers and large quantites of narcotics. An innocent 
>by-stander, a child, minor, was shot in the "confusion." The police 
>officers claim that the child was hit by a ricochet off of a car. However, 
>the family claims that based on the information given to them by the 
>hospital, it must have been a direct and delibrate shot. The Police 
>department is not taking responsibility for this issue at the moment. What 
>do you guys think??

I think, "Don't get me started."