> Are there such things as practicing witches? Sure, hit your local occult bookstore and you'll probably find a gazillion covens advertising... Or do a web search. > I've heard all of > the arguments > from scientists about how it's physically impossible to make > things happen > based strictly on desire. Ohhhh... You mean people who practice the art of causing reality to conform with one's will? Not a religious practice? Or semi-religious practice? Well... It all depends where you draw the line now doesn't it? At a very, very hard line, everybody who works with modern applied mathematics does since there are a whole host of inherent paradoxes to the way mathematics works on paper vs. how it works in reality... (e.g. various variants on Zeno's paradox) On a more fuzzy line? See above comment on occult bookstores. > Are there any arguments fro it? Try a web search, Or better yet, do you think that the majority of the population of the earth throughout recorded history has managed to be so completely wrong about so broad a topic? The argument that one can shoot lightning bolts from one's fingertips is certainly one that begs some verification... However the sticky question of hypnosis, NLP, other trance-phenomena, most branches of psychology and medicine, basically the whole of organized and much non-organized religion, and whatnot really makes such a question rather hard to answer without offending somebody. David