
This little Cawti went to market...

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Tue Aug 27 10:06:14 PDT 2002

> Rick Castello wrote:
> > Just because you didn't read about it in one of the books doesn't
> > mean that she sits in the same exact spot on the couch, motionless,
> > for the entire time Vlad isn't in her presence.  Keep in mind that
> > these books are told from Vlad's point of view, and it's unlikely,
> > with the intrigues he deals with on a daily basis, that he spends
> > a whole lot of time thinking about her taking a trip to the market
> > or emptying the chamberpots.

Yes.  Cawti and Vlad seem very independent, too (a must
for any relationship) but they also jumped into it
VERY quickly (even in human-terms!!)  One minute they're
trying to kill each other, the next week their getting
married.  (Well, Vlad DOES move fast...:)

Also, Cawti had Norathar as her partner, and without her
probably wasn't as interested in "working" anymore.  So
she found something else that struck her fancy and that
she could work towards.  And all in all, it's not a bad
goal, even if it IS a totaly preposterous one...:)
