

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Thu Aug 29 11:33:13 PDT 2002

> > I recall the one about the male/female switch, Drien.
> > Does she/he count?
> Which book is that in?  Sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't pin it down.
> (This is why I'm rereading the Dragaeran books.  There are so many cross
> references I don't want to miss.  After all, it's getting on for 20 years
> since I first found Jhereg in my local B. Dalton.  I'm still relatively
> young, but the old noggin's getting a bit leaky.)

I *want* to say Issola, but I could be way off, and
I've been reading far too much lately (as if there
is such a thing!) so I can't recall.

Anyone else?  I believe Vlad was talking to Sethra, maybe
Lady Teldra?  His question was:

"Who was Drien, anyway?"  (or something very close to that)

Now I'm curious... Going to have to go look at some point,
'less someone else can come up with the answer...


"I feel if a person can't communicate,
the very least they can do is shut up."
	~ Tom Lehrer ~