
Question for Steve

David Rodemaker dar at horusinc.com
Fri Aug 30 03:28:21 PDT 2002

> > On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 04:08:49PM -0700, "Penney, Sean" <seanp at ea.com>
> wrote:
> > > Barbara Baj said:
> > > >A greatsword versus a rapier would be thing to see, in my opinion,
> though
> > > it might be
> > > >a very short fight. :)
> > > My money's on the person with the rapier.
>  Matthew Hunter:
> > It's never that simple.
> How do you figure?

Because a fight is much more of an organic process than simply

You then can get into all sorts of qualifiers: Equal skill, equal size and
physical attributes, etc, etc, etc. But the world is rarely *that* perfect.

One advantage the greatsword has is reach for example, and if even if it
doesn't have a point getting poked by a x-lb piece if metal never feels
good. If the 'greatsworder' (ugh- That's awkward) is decent he might just
use the sword as a staff and that changes the entire tempo of the fight.

The other thing is that Greatsword vs.Rapier is a streetfight not a duel, so
then you have all the environmental factors that come into play, dirt in the
eyes, the odd kick, punch, or elbow, etc.

Mind you, assuming to fighters of decent to good skill, I would tend to bet
on the Rapier also... But Matthew is right-

It's never that simple.
