
Question for Steve

Fri Aug 30 06:50:49 PDT 2002

Corwin Brust wrote:
> I seem to remember something about people getting links through
> parentage, so I'll go out on a limb and assert that Vlad got his link
> when his father bought title.

Further, it is pretty clear that without a link to the Orb it is not
possible to perform sorcery.  When Vlad laments that he was not a good
enough sorcerer to cure his father of the plague that killed him, he does
not mention anything about not having a link to the orb, rather he regrets
only that he didn't study more diligently.

> As to the actual 'how' of it, I suppose we'll have to wait a read what
> Paarfi says, then go back to making up our own answers, untill and
> unless someone more credible is will to address the subject.

