
Greatsword vs Rapier (was Question for Steve)

Penney, Sean seanp at ea.com
Fri Aug 30 11:15:28 PDT 2002

>Another effective tactic would be to begin with a disarm -- strike
>at the rapier itself rather than the wielder.  Pin the blade, even
>briefly, and you can snap it, or bend it sufficiently to reduce
>its usefulness; advantage greatsword, from then on.  

The rapier fighter would have to be incompetent to allow that to happen.
Bull-fighters do not attempt to outbull the bull, and neither would a any
rapier fighter with half a brain.

>In short...

>it's never that simple.

Very few things in life are, but my money's still on the rapier fighter.  In
fact, I'll double down.