
Three brief reflections on Cawti

Steve Simmons scs at di.org
Fri Aug 30 20:24:01 PDT 2002

Three brief reflections on Cawti.

First, in JHEREG it's stated quite clearly that Cawti is still doing
"work".  From the questions Vlad asks her about the Mellar contract,
I very much got the impression that she works for folks other than
Vlad.  This ought to settle the issue discussed earlier in this group.

Second, it's clear in ORCA that Cawti is not in the dungeons.  Given
her intention to remain active in the movement when Vlad leaves, I
would assume that either the movement has moderated, Cawti has moderated,
or she's become somewhat separated from the movement.

Third, I think there's an error in JHEREG.  In Chapter 16 (pg 151 of Book
of Jhereg), Cawti is tasked with taking out one of the bodyguards.  But
it is then Keira who says 'Which one am I going to be taking out?'  This
line (and the next couple of paragraphs) make a lot mre sense if that was
Cawti speaking.
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