
Greatsword vs Rapier (was Question for Steve)

Sat Aug 31 16:58:27 PDT 2002

On Saturday, August 31, 2002, at 07:54 PM, Joshua Kronengold wrote:

>> well, a weapon that entered the field in the middle
>> ages against a weapon that incorporates all the refinements of the 
>> next
>> couple hundred years would be like bringing a knife to a gun-fight.
> This statement assumes combat advancements are linear, and always
> toward "more deadly".  They're not.

That is true. The Turks had cannons at the siege of Constantinople (The 
largest designed by a Hungarian, go figure) but they did killed very 
few people. Their effect was mostly psychological.
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself (I am large, I 
contain multiitudes)"---Walt Whitman